Sunday, May 19, 2019

Are You Skilled Using a Chef's Knife?

Are you new to cooking  or  maybe you know your way around the kitchen?  Either way SHARPING your knife skills is oh so important.  This skill is important for maintaining a safe kitchen.  Your recipes will be so much better as well.  When your ingredients are cut uniformly they will cook at the same rate resulting in a dish that is cooked evenly throughout.  Your dish will also have a nice presentation, because each piece of  food is cut in the same fashion.

This blog will cover the correct way to hold a chef's knife as well as how to grip the food with your hand and avoid cutting yourself.

How to Properly Grip A Chef's Knife

The photo above shows the proper way to grip a blade of a Chef's knife.  Look at how the index finger is wrapped fully around the blade.  The index finger and thumb should be opposite each other on either side of the blade at the same time the remaining  three fingers are loosely curled around the handle.  Your grip should be focused with the thumb and forefinger.  It is important to relax and maintain a loose grip.  You don't want to grip the knife with to tight of a grip. This grip takes practice and soon any other grip will feel unnatural.

The Claw Grip To Secure The Food

Now that you cam grip the knife correctly, what should your other hand do when using a chef knife?  Your non knife hand is called the the guiding hand.  This hand is used to hold the food so it does not move around on the cutting board.  This hand is in a dangerous position.  Since the knife is moving in a quick up and down motion it is important that your fingers are safely tucked away.  You must be able to do this and still firmly hold the food in place.  
The grip shown here is called  the claw grip.   Your fingers are curled inward and gripping the \food with fingernails, this keeps fingers out of harms way.  The side of the knife blade should rest against the first knuckle this keeps the knife perpendicular to cutting board.  You may may want to start off with chopping a carrot to practice and become comfortable with how to use the chef's knife.

Watch Now:  The correct way to Use a Chef's Knife

Check out my online store for lots of kitchen tools including this Chef's Knife CLICK HERE


Safe, non-slip and colorful, these blades offer quality performance without breaking the bank. Protective sheath included with each knife.The Chef's Knife aids in heavy-duty prep like dicing, carving and cutting meat.

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